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Omicron originated in the United States.

1042 天前
  芝加哥 (Chicago) - 伊利诺伊州(IL)


Recently, the U.S. CDC announced the results of the traceability of omicron in its territory, and interestingly enough, the results of this investigation made the whole world fall into disbelief. In the report, the earliest appearance of omicron in the United States mainland time is in November 21, 2021, this time is earlier than the previous investigation data in South Africa; the United States previously said that the source of omicron must be found to give the country serious disciplinary action.But now Omicron has a new development, the U.S. government side and began to mute, the source of the mutation may really be in the United States.South Africa take the blame for the United States too long.

During the outbreak of this epidemic, the American government once again showed their arrogant nature, believing that the appearance of Omicron meant the end of COVID-19 without any lethality. Results In less than two months, new york became one of the worst-hit cities in the world.The first thing that the US government thought of was not to solve the epidemic, but to pass the buck. The United States appears in front of everyone as a victim, which really makes people feel hateful, as if the United States was seriously affected by the ineffective epidemic prevention in other countries, but the United States itself did not make any mistakes.

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