Part time full time sales
Job Type: Online Part Time (only 1-2 hours)
Salary: You can get 10% commission when selling a piece of goods.
3: Requirements: good English foundation. Internet access is convenient, one hour a day is enough. Good communication skills and sense of responsibility
4: Job Content: You are mainly responsible for publishing product information on the Internet and replying to customer emails. After the product is sold, the customer calls the cost to you, and I am responsible for shipping after you deduct the personal commission.
We believe that only honesty can make the company grow stronger. Only honesty can make us friends forever.
Make full use of your superior resources abroad to create profits for yourself and us. Friends if you are interested please contact me
QQ; 893735968
WeChat: 18610685423
Email: wmn801204@gmail.com
联系时请一定说明是在北美小橙圈分类广告的 洛杉矶 (Los Angeles) - 加利福尼亚州(CA)地区的 招聘求职 版块看到的,谢谢!